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Part 2 : Make our alarm adaptable and hot-pluggable

We now have our basic alarm working, but it is not really usable as a bike alarm yet. We will need to add some functionalities and make this app usable by any other app that could come later to complement our alarm.


By following this tutorial and applying these pieces of advice to all of your apps, you will be able to easily reuse all your developments out-of-the box.

To check if your app is already ready to be used with other ones, you have to ask yourself two questions:

  • Is the app ready to accept another app to run a detection?
  • Is the app controllable by any other app in a standard way?

Detection consideration

In the basic version of the alarm app, we made the app run a detection when we initialized the function. But other apps may perform concurrent detections.

If another app runs a detection after yours, you will have to catch the event in order to be prepared to any needs of reconfiguration. This can happen if a new app is hot-plugged in the network and need to be included into the routing table.

To be prepared for those situations, Luos engine provides an event as a message you can catch on your AlarmController_MsgHandler to deal with services configurations.

Let us manage this event and add our auto-update configuration into it:

void AlarmController_MsgHandler(service_t *service, msg_t *msg)
if (msg->header.cmd == GYRO_3D)
// this is IMU information
float value[3];
memcpy(value, msg->data, msg->header.size);
if ((value[0] > 300) || (value[1] > 300) || (value[2] > 300))
// There is movement
blink_state = 1;
if (msg->header.cmd == END_DETECTION)
// Try to find a IMU service and set parameters to disable quaternions data format and send back Gyro acceleration data format.
search_result_t result;
imu_report_t report;
report.gyro = 1;
report.quat = 0;
RTFilter_Type(RTFilter_Reset(&result), IMU_TYPE);
if (result.result_nbr > 0)
// We find a service, prepare a message with parameters, and send it.
msg_t msg;
msg.header.cmd = PARAMETERS;
msg.header.size = sizeof(imu_report_t); = result.result_table[0]->id;
msg.header.target_mode = IDACK;
memcpy(, &report, sizeof(imu_report_t));
Luos_SendMsg(app, &msg);

// Setup auto update each 10ms on IMU
time_luos_t time = TimeOD_TimeFrom_ms(UPDATE_PERIOD_MS);
TimeOD_TimeToMsg(&time, &msg);
msg.header.cmd = UPDATE_PUB;
Luos_SendMsg(app, &msg);

We can now remove the configuration management in the init function:

void AlarmController_Init(void)
revision_t revision = {.major = 1, .minor = 0, .build = 0};
// Create App
app = Luos_CreateService(AlarmController_MsgHandler, ALARM_CONTROLLER_APP, "alarm_control", revision);

// Detect all services of your network and create a routing_table

To finish, we have to prevent any loop execution if our service is currently not detected or is under detection:

You can add this code into the loop to manage it:

void AlarmController_Loop(void)
staticuint8_t blink = 0;
staticuint8_t blink_nb = BLINK_NUMBER * 2; // For each blink we need to turn ON then OFF that's why we do *2
staticuint32_t last_blink = 0;
search_result_t result;
if (Luos_IsNodeDetected())
// ********** non blocking blink ************
if (blink_state)
// Init variables to blink
blink_state = 0;
blink_nb = 0;
blink = 0;
if (blink_nb < (BLINK_NUMBER*2))
// Blink is not finished
RTFilter_Type(RTFilter_Reset(&result), COLOR_TYPE);
if (result.result_nbr > 0)
// we get a led alarm, set color
color_t color;
color.r = 0;
color.g = 0;
color.b = 0;
if (!blink)
// turn led red
msg_t msg; = result.result_table[0]->id;
msg.header.target_mode = IDACK;
IlluminanceOD_ColorToMsg(&color, &msg);
Luos_SendMsg(app, &msg);

Control consideration

You should get ready of any usage of your app by preparing messages reception that can be useful. This is the API part of your app, so try to think it clean and flexible by using Luos Object Dictionary (OD) as much as possible.

There is one characteristic each app should have: The capability to be stopped by any other. In our case, this is critical because the alarm cannot be shut down for now: the only way is to power it down. So we need to provide a way for other apps to stop it. Luos engine provides a standard structure and command dedicated to this, called control_mode. This command works like play, pause, stop, and record controls in your music player. This kind of command can be used on drivers to control data stream, such as trajectories on motors for examples, or they can be used to control app's running state.

Each app should have a global variable representing the running state of the app. To manage it in our alarm app, we add this global variable:

volatile control_t control_app;

Then, we put it on PLAY by default on the init:

void AlarmController_Init(void)
revision_t revision = {.major = 1, .minor = 0, .build = 0};
// Create App
app = Luos_CreateService(AlarmController_MsgHandler, ALARM_CONTROLLER_APP, "alarm_control", revision);
// By default this app is running
control_app.flux = PLAY;

Then, we add the possibility to receive a control mode in AlarmController_MsgHandler:

if (msg->header.cmd == CONTROL)
ControlOD_ControlFromMsg((control_t *)&control_app, msg);

Now we can use this control_mode to make the app run or not by using:

if (control_app.flux == PLAY)
// Do app things

In the case of this alarm app, we use it as a condition to execute the non-blocking blink in the loop function and for the IMU data reception. Finally, the complete callback reception looks like this:

void AlarmController_MsgHandler(service_t *service, msg_t *msg)
if (msg->header.cmd == GYRO_3D)
// This is IMU information
if (control_app.flux == PLAY)
float value[3];
memcpy(value, msg->data, msg->header.size);
if ((value[0] > 300) || (value[1] > 300) || (value[2] > 300))
// There is movement
blink_state = 1;
if (msg->header.cmd == END_DETECTION)
// Try to find a IMU service and set parameters to disable quaternions data format and send back Gyro acceleration data format.
search_result_t result;
imu_report_t report;
report.gyro = 1;
report.quat = 0;
RTFilter_Type(RTFilter_Reset(&result), IMU_TYPE);
if (result.result_nbr > 0)
// We find a service, prepare a message with parameters, and send it.
msg_t msg;
msg.header.cmd = PARAMETERS;
msg.header.size = sizeof(imu_report_t); = result.result_table[0]->id;
msg.header.target_mode = IDACK;
memcpy(, &report, sizeof(imu_report_t));
Luos_SendMsg(app, &msg);

// Setup auto update each 10ms on IMU
time_luos_t time = TimeOD_TimeFrom_ms(UPDATE_PERIOD_MS);
TimeOD_TimeToMsg(&time, &msg);
msg.header.cmd = UPDATE_PUB;
Luos_SendMsg(app, &msg);
if (msg->header.cmd == CONTROL)
ControlOD_ControlFromMsg((control_t *)&control_app, msg);

Nice! Our app is now clean, and ready to properly work with any other app. Let us add a new one!